Thursday, December 1, 2011

Licensed to Ill

This is it, people. Savoring the moment...


I have reached the proverbial mountain top and am a licensed professional...ready to be given a job to prove I can do what I've been trying to prove I can do for years. I can finally change my official title, take "pending" off of my CV in so many places. It feels good, and I'm going to let that feel good and not worry about what job that license will go toward for a good 24 hours (or 12). 

The three of us (EB, MH, and myself) started out on a long journey that ended today with the defeat of the states of Oregon, Texas, and Alabama in our wake. 

Good luck to the many of us out there who are continuing to take tests, get transcripts sent, documents filled out, and hours in order so we can be recognized by a state to be legit. 

Next stop...California Board of Psychology. 

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Oregon Juris (wait for it) prudence

My battle with the beast...
It has been awhile since the last triumphant EPPP-passage post. I am back to say that the Oregon Jurisprudence Exam can be conquered. I sweated that thing out like none other and came out of that state building with my head hanging low. Feeling defeated. Keep in mind this was open book and all the questions were like the crazy hypothetical ethics questions on the EPPP, only this time you had to either apply Oregon state law to the scenario, or the ethical standards. It was intense, I'm not gonna lie. 

The Specs: Monthly administration, changes form each month, need written request to take exam 30 days prior to administration date, can retake, but on second fail must submit a study plan to the board to sit a third time. 

But, turns out I was way too harsh on that and I passed with a comfortable margin (think sing-songy shouts of "ding-dong the test is dead!"). For Oregon, they don't tell you what the passing rate is, because it changes every month's administration. Sounds crazy, right? But, they do it that way I think because each month the test form changes and they are basing on each cohorts performance. At least, this is the story I've made up in my head. I got an 84% on the test, and the pass rate was 72% this time.

The moral of the story, kids, is that it can be done. Even when you don't study as much as you should. ;)

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Yea Boi!

I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I feel like doing a silly dance, and running around crazy, and laughing hysterically. I am giving all my positive vibes to MH and EB, who are just a week away from killing it on the EPPP. For my own experience,  I'll leave it to these guys to show you how silly it is. If I had more time, I would make a psychology version. 


Now, it's time to focus more on the other things that are helping to secure a jobby job. Including the state exam, for which I just got an fatty envelope of materials that I don't plan on touching for a couple weeks. Last I checked, I have three applications in, two more due this upcoming week, and one that I might actually be qualified for. In a few I will post some of my resources for jobby jobs, just to keep it interesting.

For now, I'm just savoring the moment!

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Doneski...I hope.

This morning I took the EPPP. It's a mixture of relief and worry and exhaustion and craziness, but it's done.

I'm not gonna lie, I thought it was challenging, but I didn't feel like I bombed it. There were a lot of questions that were extensions and novel applications of the content in the materials. I would say the retired questions and the last Psych Prep test (E) that I took were the most like the real thing as far as the challenge. But, I will be much smarter, and far more accurate in a predictor-criterion way after I find out how I did on the real thing. 

Now, I'm focusing my energy on the jobby job applications that are looming. Then, November comes and I will hopefully take the Oregon jurisprudence exam. FYI, for those of you this applies to ever, the Oregon exam is only offered once a month and you need 30 days notification (always tied to when you give them the money;) to take it so PLAN WELL!
I'm not going to hold my breath for the next two weeks, but I guarantee I will feel all the emotions on the this here chart. 

P.S. Had a good debrief with MH and EB via skype conference call and it was a good one. They are up at the end of the month and then we will all be done! I highly recommend doing this with some friends cause it's hard to tackle all on your own without anyone to bounce things off of here and there. Thanks to them for all the support and now it's my turn to be encouraging!

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pharm Game

One of the areas that we have found challenging is keeping all those drugs and their side effects straight. Which ones are anticholinergic, which ones aren't? (I think SSRI's is the right answer to the last one, btw). And, don't forget to remember the brain structures and neurotransmitters.

I have found a few resources that are my go-to ones these days. One is from the Exchange--I really like this set of flashcards. It goes fairly quick, it covers key areas, and the questions are on target (e.g., Side effects of these drugs include drowsiness, lethargy, slurred speech, and impaired psychomotor ability---Benzos). 

The other resource I like is a neuroanatomy type outline from the EPPP Yahoo group files. It's a nice reference and something that you can print out on the front and back of a paper and carry around if you must (NERD ALERT).   
Balloon Art Anatomy

In my last hours of studying, these are quick and dirty resources that keep me sharp. Cause who doesn't want to think about the side effects of lithium, or which drug is associated with agranylocytosis?? (P.S. atypical antipsychotics)

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