Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Brain Power (and other rando thoughts)

Can I make a recommendation to all you studiers out there? Don't go on 12 trips in the middle of studying, or even one long one, if you can avoid it. It is mucho disruptive to the study schedule (I've harped on this before, I know). 

Okay, so I have finally finished the physiological bases section (disruptiveness galore!) and it wasn't as bad as I thought. Though I don't score nearly as good on this as Ethics or L&B, but as EB wisely points out, some things are going to be weaker than others and "good enough" is something we should all be familiar with. 

I have reviewed the flashcards from the Exchange and it is up in my google docs to share. There are some useful psychotropic only sets that will be good to go through by themselves just to get the drug names and classes refreshed. Check it out! 

There are also several outlines available from the Yahoo! EPPP Prep group. I liked and will use the Psychopharm table, nicely done and easy table to read (2 pages). Also, if you want a one pager of neuroanatomy, this one has structures and neurotransmitters. A little more detail on this 2-3 pager on physiological basics. And, a detailed outline/review of the topics in the physiological bases volume of the AATBS materials (similar coverage to AR) is here.

 Take home message: Some areas will feel "underdeveloped" and that is okay. As long as I don't forget the diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease (as someone who specialized in older adults and cognitive testing), I still have my dignity. 

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Monday, July 11, 2011


Quick and dirty tonight.

I'm spending a lot of time with my iPod lately, and consequently have grown to love and hate the AR and AATBS audio files. Here is what I can say about them, based on my growing experience. (Disclaimer: Not actually me in the picture, but it might come to that soon when I need every minute I can.)

Academic Review- These seem to be a little more comprehensive in the content they cover. Granted, there are almost twice as many of the CD's/audio files than the AATBS, but they do seem to cover more ground. Particularly in Clinical, Developmental, and Diagnosis so far. I think I feel more connected to the guy, but that probably says more about me than anything (no laughing, EB & MH!). 

AATBS- Okay, I know I've bagged on her voice and the mouth noises so I won't go off on them here. The content is good, it follows the study materials well and it is a nice refresher of main points when you don't want to get lost in the well of content that is the written materials. Also, I much prefer the format AATBS uses with the practice questions at the end of each subsection. Gives you a chance to consolidate and apply, plus practice EPPP-type questions. 

It's well worth it for me to use the audio files to keep up with the content in a more user-friendly way. For example, I listen to it at night to fall asleep (handy). EB & MH are both planning to use them on the commute (clever). Any which way I can.

We're going to kick this thing in the gut. 

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Getting back on the wagon

I'm workin' on it.

This week I've been trying to make up for the last week or so where some of my studying was less than stellar (lots of listening to audio files and not a lot of rehearsal or new material). I did finish the diagnosis section, finally! I learned that GAD is pretty much awesome, cause everyone has it either as a primary disorder or a comorbidity. These things are so good to know...not. I am back to being serious about studying now that a few side projects are finished. EB, MH, you heard it here. Don't let me fall off the wagon!

On a different note, I talked to someone who has taken the new ASPPB version of the test. This person has had their license for years (a faculty mentor) and was on a committee to test it out. She said that she only had an hour and half, but passed it (just barely, but did). So, I'm taking this as good news because, in the past, success on the test has been highly correlated with years out of grad school and she is way out and still passed with limited time. Apparently, she thinks it is more applicable and reasonable than she expected given the frequent complaints she gets about "way too much I/O" and "what is the deal with all this psychodynamic crap?" She is probably biased, but I'll hope that her passing is a good enough sign that it can happen for me too. That's the down low, people. Print Friendly and PDF Best Blogger Tips

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Absence makes the heart grow forgetful. Blerg.

This week I learned my lesson. EPPP study materials: 900   Me: 0

I have been trying to finish up a side project (that I dislike greatly), and with the holiday weekend it has turned into a famine for my EPPP studying. I hadn't looked at my flashcards for four or so days and only relied on listening to the audio files (AR and AATBS) here and there for any review. Hence, the ass-kicking that I got this morning when I reviewed my flashcards. 

So, I learned that it is not wise for me to take such a long hiatus without at least reviewing some of my flashcard material, especially those that I don't know that well. It occurs to me that this is not a "Oh my God I'm going to fail!" move, but it is a good lesson on how not to go about studying if I want to do well. 

Strategies that have worked for me to keep relevant info in my brain have been pairing the audio materials with a review of flashcards (or other means of reviewing the content you have already gone through) on a consistent basis. Not necessarily daily with all of the content areas, but especially reviewing the material that I have just lately learned a couple of times before going lighter. 

Other strategies that have been helpful for you all, EB, MH?

Back to it! (exclamation point is more for self-fulfilling prophecy reasons, not current level of motivation) Print Friendly and PDF Best Blogger Tips

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