Thursday, September 22, 2011


Yep, you read that right. Not musings, but fumings.

If I could go back in time to my pre-application self and explain that no matter where you apply there are likely to be shenanigans so don't get your hopes up, perhaps I would not be fuming now.


Okay, Oregon. I know it's not really one person's fault that I keep getting jerked around but the efforts of many incompetent people and systems. Seriously, figure your shit out and get back to me. 

This is the third time across a month that I have been contacted by them for yet another mistake in my file that requires me to run around like a moron and get things I was told I did not need, or already had. Not cool. Plus, whenever this happens and I get something back right away, it's another week and some until they get to it and then get back to me about something else that isn't up to snuff. Mind you, this is all after three months of sitting on this file and waiting for fingerprints only. I would have been more than happy to get these things done during the wait for good fingerprints...really! 

Today I lost it, as much as I can lose it, to the poor woman on the phone who is trying her best to do someone else's job. But, after this long (beginning of June, people), they are lucky I've kept it together. All I can say is this better be the last effing thing they ask me for because I am not amused.

This brings me back to the all important topic of MAINTENANCE. I seem to be doing okay with practice tests, but I can see the slight drop in scores and definitely am forgetting details I used to have (e.g., suicide by age, race, etc...gone). I have been trying to do flashcards from the Exchange and need to beef that up. Lately, my strategy has been to keep a running list of topics that I want to follow-up on based on my practice test performance.

Bottom line...I NEED TO STEP IT UP! 

My rant is over (at least for now). All this to say, you will get frustrated, things will be out of your control, and licensing boards will suck at times. Keep calm, carry on.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Colors come from God...Just like me!"

This is my homage to children's books that celebrate diversity. Seriously, the book, PEOPLE, is pretty cool if you ever want to check it out. It's from the 70's so you know it is legit.

In my opinion, much better than the current laundry list of racial identity development models that we need to learn for the EPPP. What if it was as simple as one or two models? Or better yet, a few concepts or principles like overall racial identity and/or acculturation.

I also need to brush up on my outdated and inconsistent ideas about multicultural therapy. I was just talking with EB about how it is kind of ridiculous that they make us learn these somewhat outdated concepts, given what we have learned in the last two decades of research on diversity and therapy. Also, I'm so over the having to learn about these concepts that are inconsistent. Is it outcomes matter if you are of a certain racial background (with regard to matching) or they don't and it's all pretty much equal? Terminates early or doesn't matter, over/underutilizes or doesn't? 

Okay, since we have to know it regardless, I've pulled a couple of outlines from the goldmine files on the EPPP Prep group on Yahoo that are specifically about the diversity taught in the prep materials. ;) Before I get to take this beast, I will be spending some quality time with all those models to make sure that I can pickr which person's Immersion-Emersion step they are referring to this time.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Flash(card) Dance

Still waiting to officially hear from Oregon and Prometric. In the mean time, I've decided to dance! 

Well, at least with flashcards. I still don't have my electronic sets, but I've been using the Exchange, and it's been a good proxy. The study mode is useful and I can jump around to different sets if I'm not loving the coverage in a certain set. It's worth checking them out if you are a flashcard/quiz type of person.

Maintenance Study Plan:
1. Review one or more topics per day with Exchange cards. (my old reviews have come in handy, finally)
2. Do practice questions to keep up with test taking.
3. Listen to audio files when possible.
4. Sticking to major topic areas, like Dx, Clinical, Developmental, and I/O.

If you find yourself in a similar boat--ready to go but no notification--it's not a bad way to keep up (at least it feels right to me, maybe I should come back after taking this and revise as needed ;). 

I'm crossing my fingers I'll get to take this mother soon. Print Friendly and PDF Best Blogger Tips

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