Thursday, December 1, 2011

Oregon Juris (wait for it) prudence

My battle with the beast...
It has been awhile since the last triumphant EPPP-passage post. I am back to say that the Oregon Jurisprudence Exam can be conquered. I sweated that thing out like none other and came out of that state building with my head hanging low. Feeling defeated. Keep in mind this was open book and all the questions were like the crazy hypothetical ethics questions on the EPPP, only this time you had to either apply Oregon state law to the scenario, or the ethical standards. It was intense, I'm not gonna lie. 

The Specs: Monthly administration, changes form each month, need written request to take exam 30 days prior to administration date, can retake, but on second fail must submit a study plan to the board to sit a third time. 

But, turns out I was way too harsh on that and I passed with a comfortable margin (think sing-songy shouts of "ding-dong the test is dead!"). For Oregon, they don't tell you what the passing rate is, because it changes every month's administration. Sounds crazy, right? But, they do it that way I think because each month the test form changes and they are basing on each cohorts performance. At least, this is the story I've made up in my head. I got an 84% on the test, and the pass rate was 72% this time.

The moral of the story, kids, is that it can be done. Even when you don't study as much as you should. ;)

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  1. I am attempting to study for the Oregon jp exam in April! There are no study guides or anything, right? How do you recommend I should study for this exam? I'm really nervous! What would you suggest? Thanks!

  2. Hi Ashley, I would suggest becoming familiar with the statutes handouts on the board's website. Familiar meaning you have a good working knowledge of the topics that are covered and could get to the information you need quickly. Like any open book exam, you don't need to memorize, you just need to recall where the information you need is coming from and have a clue about what it might say. Familiar, not memorize!

    1. OMG THANK YOU! Great! I am taking it this Friday. I only just passed the CA exam a year ago and I find myself mixing up Oregon and California laws. Ugh! The exam sounds really hard but I hear people walk out afraid but most end up passing. I've only been studying here and there for the last three weeks :/ Yikes!
