Thursday, June 16, 2011

Your Rockstar Score of 124!

Okay, So let me put your score of 124 into perspective.... I paid a lot of money to take a class so I could pass this SOB on the first try, because I needed special help. You have similar materials from the course with AATBS. What I learned there, is that to secure a passing score, you need to score a 142/200. That's equivalent to something over a 500 on the test. You are very close to being there. A "good" score on the first practice test, according to our class, was a 92/200 on the first go-around. So, you're way above average. I believe I scored in the 80s/200 on the first practice test. So, you're GOLDEN! A couple of months of studying and you're going to pass this thing! Love ya! Adria Print Friendly and PDF Best Blogger Tips

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  1. Thanks, Adria! I appreciate the encouragement and subsequent self-efficacy boost. :) P.S. I'm totally pounding in the behaviorist principles so as not to fail you and EB as my token behaviorists.

  2. haha... rock it on girl, rock it on.
    And Adria, yes - thanks for the encouragement!
