Monday, July 11, 2011


Quick and dirty tonight.

I'm spending a lot of time with my iPod lately, and consequently have grown to love and hate the AR and AATBS audio files. Here is what I can say about them, based on my growing experience. (Disclaimer: Not actually me in the picture, but it might come to that soon when I need every minute I can.)

Academic Review- These seem to be a little more comprehensive in the content they cover. Granted, there are almost twice as many of the CD's/audio files than the AATBS, but they do seem to cover more ground. Particularly in Clinical, Developmental, and Diagnosis so far. I think I feel more connected to the guy, but that probably says more about me than anything (no laughing, EB & MH!). 

AATBS- Okay, I know I've bagged on her voice and the mouth noises so I won't go off on them here. The content is good, it follows the study materials well and it is a nice refresher of main points when you don't want to get lost in the well of content that is the written materials. Also, I much prefer the format AATBS uses with the practice questions at the end of each subsection. Gives you a chance to consolidate and apply, plus practice EPPP-type questions. 

It's well worth it for me to use the audio files to keep up with the content in a more user-friendly way. For example, I listen to it at night to fall asleep (handy). EB & MH are both planning to use them on the commute (clever). Any which way I can.

We're going to kick this thing in the gut. 

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