appropriate for the EPPP. I feel some days that it's a totally crap shoot, thank you very much variable ratio schedule of reinforcement. But, I can't help but wonder lately, "When will I know when I'm ready?" Like sitting in front of the slot machine wondering, "Should I pull the lever again, or walk away?"
So, there are several "theories" floating around out there (see the EPPP Yahoo Group for many discussion threads on practice test thresholds and percentages), and most are related to scores on various practice tests. Makes sense, in a validity/predictor-criterion-type way. But, what level is enough? I've heard a lot of chatter about a high 60's threshold on the practice tests (particularly AATBS or AR) and passing with room on the real thing. This is congruent with what my friends and colleagues have reported as well. Some people say 80%, just to be safe, but I think they must be taking some pretty easy practice tests. If only there was a list of 10 things to recognize when you're ready?!?!
Ultimately, it is up to YOU (or me in this case). Well, and the state to which you apply if you are waiting for notification (in the throws of the third fingerprinting!). But, essentially you decide. Here's a protocol analysis of my decision making. ;)
1. My practice test scores are consistently good/much better.
2. I'm feeling saturated with information.
3. I'm running out of steam to learn/review written materials.
4. (Related to above) I can't stand to do anything but listen to the audio files and do practice test items.
There's probably more, but that's my process so far. When EB and MH get close, I'll be interested to hear how they "know".
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